Automate Your Workflow

With many of our Hive members working remotely from their bigger organizations, savvy project management and organization are especially vital to our productivity.  Whether our team is physical or virtual, we need to find tools to keep our workflows seamless and ourselves accountable.  

To help us and other Hive members reduce repetitive, menial tasks while also increasing our productivity, Moishe House’s Senior Director of Immersive Experiences Roey Kruvi led us through “Automation Nation”. He outlined tools that make work more fun and productive by Automating, Managing and Communicating. 

We liked them so much, we’re sharing about these and some alternatives so you can be more efficient at work, too: 


  • Roey’s recommendationZapier is the premier tool to automate process between applications, making them communicate with each other accomplish tasks so you don’t have to. It connects popular apps such as Salesforce and Mailchimp, or even WordPress and Buffer. Following the “If this, then that” principle, Zapier’s “zaps” do work for you. Visit Zapier’s website here. 
  • Another option: While The Hive also uses Zapier, we’ve heard “Automate” is great, too. Using the same principle, Automate’s “bots” offer many seamless integrations like its electric friend. Its plans offer competitive pricing and features. Visit Automates website here. 


  • Roey’s route:  Trello is a project management staple at Moishe House. From monitoring and assigning tasks and activities to tracking team workflow, Trello can be the tool for managing yourself and your work. Roey’s favorite features include its easy integration with many applications including Zapier and Slack, its simple and user-friendly interface, and free price tag! Visit Trello here. 
  • Another option: We use Airtablea freemium alternative. With a minimalist design, we’re as enamored with the look of the application as we are with its functionalityThe ability to view data and projects across many layouts from a lean methodology one to a filterable table means it makes sense to people with diverse processing styles. Plus, it integrates with Zapier and Buffer for social media management. Visit Airtable here.


  • Roey’s ranked #1: Beyond Trello, Roey has also helped Slack become integrated into Moishe House’s toolbox. Standing for “Searchable Log of All Communications and Knowledge” Slack is much more than a message board; it’s an all-in-one platform that organizes all communication between a team by topic, and syncs with endless apps. With the ability to host multiple channels and topics, Slack is an easy choice for any organization and even outside work, especially as it can be used on desktop or mobile. Visit Slack here. 
  • Another option: We use Microsoft Office Tools to communicate internally in addition to storing and managing files. Sharepoint takes on a Facebook-like quality, enabling a Foundation feed that anybody can post to. We often celebrate employee birthdays on SharepointWe can all collaborate on our files stored in the cloud, giving us another access point to work and communicate. Visit Office here.

It’s clear that these Automate, Manage and Communicate tools are symbiotic and all interact with each other to provide peace of mind, increase productivity and streamline administrative tasks. Thanks to Roey, we’re more aware of products that are little-to-no cost that save us time and frustration. Let us know if you’ve found alternatives that simplify your workflow even more!