San Diego Gives University: Ten Epic Fundraising Fails- Part 2

Continue this conversation of reframing “fundraising failures” as opportunities for professional and organizational growth. Jack Alotto, CFRE, of the Fundraising Academy, will reflect on his memorable missteps and how they were used for good. Facilitated by Sharyn Goodson, Leichtag Foundation/Impact Cubed. Approved for CFRE Continuing Education Units.


San Diego Gives University: Why do Donors leave?

Learn easy, yet effective ways to convey gift impact, including communicating with donors through reports, email, videos, and site visits. We’ll also discuss the key roles of staff and volunteer leadership in the stewardship process. 1.5 CFRE credits. Led by Jeanne Schmelzer, Executive Vice President, Netzel Grigsby Associates. Facilitated by Sharyn Goodson, Vice President of Philanthropy, Leichtag Foundation […]


Introduction to San Diego Gives

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Learn ins and outs of this program and be ready for early, discounted registration, which runs February 1 – 28. Facilitated by Sharyn Goodson and Mitchell Price, Leichtag Foundation/Impact Cubed.

Recruiting and Retention for Nonprofits on a Zero Budget

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This workshop is presented by Dr. Bronner’s.  In 2022, the job market was one of the tightest in recent history making it a great year for job seekers and a very tough year for employers. With lower salaries and fewer benefits to offer, nonprofits often have a harder time recruiting and retaining top talent than […]

Introduction to San Diego Gives

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Learn the ins and outs of this program and register at a discount by February 28. Facilitated by Sharyn Goodson and Mitchell Price, Leichtag Foundation/Impact Cubed. Register HERE.

Building Strong Teams: How to Avoid & Resolve Five Common Dysfunctions

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U.S. employees spend about 2.8 hours per week dealing with conflict; costing organizations an estimated $359 billion in lost productivity, operational effectiveness, and employee morale and well-being. Leaders who constructively address team conflicts can have immediate and enormous long-term impacts on an organization’s success. Low morale, high turnover, and expensive lawsuits are just some common […]

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources for Fundraising Success

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Many organizations are working to build the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into their operations. They also look to model those values as they advance their missions. Donors too have identified these values as priorities for funding decisions. In this workshop, participants will learn how embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as organizational […]

Accelerating Your Nonprofit Career

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Interested in advancing your career but not sure how? Join us for an interactive session with Trevor Blair, nonprofit workforce development expert and CEO of Blair Search Partners, to learn strategies for building your base of knowledge and experience, expanding your network of career influencers, and positioning yourself for advancement in the nonprofit sector. Register HERE. 1.5 CFRE* […]

Introduction to San Diego Gives

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Learn the ins and outs of this campaign and register by the April 30 deadline. Facilitated by Amelia Hartley, United Way of San Diego County, Mindi Frankel, Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego, Hannah Jaime, Helping Paws, Sharyn Goodson and Mitchell Price, Leichtag Foundation/Impact Cubed. Register HERE.