How do we communicate what we’re about in a clear and concise manner? In this workshop, attendees discover the essence of their organizations’ missions and personal narratives. Once these stories are identified, we shape them into 60-second pitches. This session focuses on both the content of the pitch and the manner in which it is presented, with feedback and guidance offered around public speaking and presentation styles.
Key takeaways:
- a 60 second pitch of your personal and/or organizational mission
- techniques for getting to the heart of any story or mission quickly and clearly
- public speaking skills and techniques
- models for giving progressive feedback
Tickets are $18/per person. Please reach out to paige@thehivesd.org if ticket pricing is prohibiting your attendance. Scholarships are available.
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Meet Our Facilitator:
Aaron Henne is the Artistic Director of theatre dybbuk, an arts and education organization whose work illuminates universal human experience from a Jewish perspective. In addition to his work with theatre dybbuk, Aaron teaches storytelling throughout the country and has presented workshops at Lucasfilm, Pixar, and Dreamworks. With Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, he has been faculty for the EMA program, was the Diane Luboff Scholar at the Cutter Colloquium, and is a part of Beit HaYotzer/the Creativity Braintrust. Aaron has also served as a professional mentor at Otis College of Art and Design and as faculty for the Wexner Heritage Program, as well as for Georgetown University. He has worked as an educator and facilitator for a wide variety of organizations including The Hive at Leichtag Commons, Jewish Federation of North America’s Young Leadership Cabinet, and The Bronfman Fellowship. Mr. Henne is a Pilot Wexner Field Fellow, a member of the ROI community, and the recipient of LA Weekly and SF Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Awards for Playwriting.