You are invited to experience the power of coworking including: productive eavesdropping, positive collisions, and unanticipated connections. Join your colleagues from Jewish organizations across San Diego and experience a day in the life of The San Diego Community Kollel. Come and go as needed, our coworking days are designed to be flexible to work best with your schedule!
*Limited space available for private calls. Please let Paige (paige@thehivesd.org) know in advance if you will be needing a private space.
The San Diego Community Kollel
6270 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115
Brain Dates are an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a JPro member or topic area specialists to support you! Each coworking day we will highlight a member of our community ranging in topics from: finance, marketing, social media, fundraising, community engagement, and more. If you are interested in a 30-minute Brain Date, simply check the box below and you will receive a confirmation with your scheduled time.
Our next Brain Date guest is Rabbi Adam Simon, Founder and CEO of The San Diego Community Kollel. Adam has been active in San Diego’s Jewish non-profit scene for more than 15 years and is a passionate thought leader and veteran educator. He received his smicha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg z’l of Jerusalem and holds post-graduate certificates from Yeshiva University in Educational Technology and Experiential Jewish Education. Drop in for a Brain Date – whether it’s diving into Jewish text, connecting about non-profit management, art, farming, running, or whatever, Rabbi Simon is ready to chat about anything on your mind.