You are invited to experience the power of coworking including: productive eavesdropping, positive collisions, and unanticipated connections. Join your colleagues from Jewish organizations across San Diego and experience a day in the life of The Hive at Leichtag Commons. Come and go as needed, our coworking days are designed to be flexible to work best with your schedule!
Lunch will be provided by JPro San Diego.
*Limited space available for private calls. Please let Paige (paige@thehivesd.org) know in advance if you will be needing a private space.
The Hive at Leichtag Commons
441 Saxony Rd Encinitas, California 92024
Brain Dates: Personalized Advice for Your Professional Development
Our jobs come with real challenges, and it can be hard to find quick advice. Sometimes, you need an hour with someone who has been there before for objectivity and support. Schedule some one-on-one time at an upcoming JPro Co-Working Day to discuss issues related to your organization’s strategy, governance, communications, programming, fundraising, and more. We’ll connect you to long-time Jewish communal professionals who have been there—and now are here for you.
Schedule a Brain Date with Sharyn Goodson: Sharyn has over 25 years of experience in philanthropy, program design and delivery, organizational development, and nonprofit fundraising. She is passionate about strengthening the ability of philanthropists and mission-driven organizations to achieve results in addressing society’s challenges and opportunities. Sharyn currently serves as Vice President of Philanthropy for both Impact Cubed and Leichtag Foundation where she manages grantmaking, leads funder partnerships, and trains and counsels nonprofits on revenue generation, board and organizational development, as well as program design and evaluation. Learn more about Sharyn here.
Schedule a Brain Date with Jessica Kort: Jessica has 15 years of experience in philanthropy, organizational strategy and management, nonprofit governance, and Jewish communal professional work. She currently serves as Director of Communications and Strategy for Impact Cubed and Leichtag Foundation where she oversees communications for the Foundation and its initiatives, develops giving opportunities for community members, streamlines the vision and purposes for Leichtag Commons, and designs ways for the Foundation to increase its impact and leverage across funding areas. Learn more about Jessica here.